Your Board of Directors

President | Ali crawford

Ali has been a member of the Stoneridge Community for the past 20 years. Soon after she moved in, she became an active participant in the community association and later served as treasurer, vice president, and president. Ali looks forward to working with you and maintaining and protecting the residential character of Stoneridge and continue to make Stoneridge a desirable community in which to live.

Vice President | Open position

Treasurer | Sam Thomsen

Sam has been a member of Stoneridge Community and served on the board since 2015. After buying his first house in Stoneridge, Sam was pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome he received from the neighborhood. Having grown up in a small community with friendly neighbors, he was happy for the opportunity to join the Board of Directors and give back in any way he can. Sam hopes to help bring the Stoneridge Improvement Association closer together through better forms of communication and to increase our turn out at organized community events.

Secretary | open position